Why is Tutankhamun so well known? Were there any Pharaoh women? Why did the Egyptians make mummies? Was Cleopatra bald?
Discover everything there is to know about ancient Egypt in this great new title for 6-8 year olds illustrated by Olivier Latyk for Deux Coqs d’or.
Tags: Ancient Egypt , Ancient Egypt illustrations , Ancient Egyptians , ancient life , Archaeologist , Archeology , camel , Children's artist , Children's book artist , Children's book illustrator , children's illustration , Children's Illustrations , children's illustrator , children's illustrators , Cleopatra , Desert , Deux Coqs d'Or , Egypt , egyptian , Egyptian mummies , Historical , history , Howard Carter , Juvenile non-fiction , KidLitArt , mummies , Nile , non-fiction , Olivier Latyk , Pharaoh , pyramids , river nile , spot art , Spot illustrations
Thomas Girard takes us on an Ancient Egyptian adventure with his captivating cover art for new middle grade novel ‘Les yeux du Nil’ for Oskar Editions.
Tags: Ancient Egypt illustrations , cover art , MG cover art , MG illustration , Middle Grade Cover , Middle Grade Illustrations , Thomas Girard