Endangered Animals Atlas illustrated by Sam Caldwell is a richly informative book for animal lovers everywhere, with an important and timely focus on the endangered animals around the world that need our protection.
On this Amazing Adventure children will discover the reasons why the rich biodiversity of our planet is so at risk, and why so many of its creatures are endangered. Available this October from Words & Pictures.
Discover what Little Elephant gets up to and explore his world, in this fun and informative title from the Really Wild Families series.
Beautifully illustrated by Carmen Saldana, this charming celebration of elephants will show children just how amazing nature is and is a reminder that it is up to us to care for the planet and its weird and wonderful creatures. Available now from QED Publishing.
Find out about all kinds of weird, wonderful and utterly fascinating dinosaurs, with ‘Usborne First Jigsaws And Book: Dinosaurs’, a set of four jigsaws and an early-years book.
Toddlers will also love ‘Usborne First Jigsaws And Book: Wild Animals’ which shows off big teeth, furry manes, stripy coats and long trunks.
Elisa Ferro‘s delightful illustrations and accompanying picture books make these perfect for play or quiet reading time.