With vibrant illustrations by Ekaterina Trukhan, ‘I Am Kind to Myself’ offers preschoolers and kindergartners effective affirmations for difficult-to-manage-emotions so they can practice building positivity, self-care and self-confidence.
Highlights kindness books are crafted by childhood experts to promote strong social and emotional skills and build positive associations with reading.
‘Growing Up Feeling Great!’ is a brilliant guide illustrated by Anjan which helps boys develop a positive mindset and strengthen their coping skills so they can successfully navigate puberty. Published by Rockridge Press.
Little ones can have a lot of big feelings – and learning how to identify and regulate them is a key part of development.
‘Listening to My Body’ illustrated by Tanya Emelyanova is filled with engaging activities that teach kids how to make a connection between bodily sensations and their emotions, helping them build social-emotional skills that will last a lifetime. Available from Rockridge Press.