Highlights Press
Ekaterina Trukhan – I Am Kind to Myself
With vibrant illustrations by Ekaterina Trukhan, ‘I Am Kind to Myself’ offers preschoolers and kindergartners effective affirmations for difficult-to-manage-emotions so they can practice building positivity, self-care and self-confidence.
Highlights kindness books are crafted by childhood experts to promote strong social and emotional skills and build positive associations with reading.

Ekaterina Trukhan – We’re Better Together
Cooperation, helping, and working together are beautifully illustrated by Ekaterina in this book that demonstrates the joys of community and teamwork for young readers.
We’re better together when we play, when we make music, and when everyone pitches in. This celebration of coming together to solve problems, support communities, and honor everyone’s differences is perfect for young children who are learning about empathy and cooperation.
Winner of the Mom’s Choice Award, this wonderful book is available from Highlights Press.